18 How-to Win Presentation tips from Content Branding Solutions Coaching. Denver, Colorado

The Best 18 Proven Coaching Tips for Winning Presentations

18 Proven Coaching Tips For Winning Presentations from an expert coach that will help You Win the Next Project and make that sale

Content Branding Solutions coaching team shares the best ways to create a powerful presentation with 18 presentation tips.  We show you these proven coaching tips so you can get the benefit and value. These Eighteen (18) proven methods will show you how to create a Powerful Presentation. The information will help you win that next presentation that will help you knock it out of the ballpark. So pick up a copy of our eBook Content Branding Solutions for Entrepreneurs to learn more.  As a bonus, our content marketing strategies and coaching team have added three expert closing tips and the Secrets to Captivating Presentation Delivery, a how-to on making your prospects want more, just for you.

"Knock it out of the ballpark and score the home run with a great presentation." - Cheri Lucking

Fear is Holding You and Your Team Back from Presentation Success.

You know the feeling, the dread, sleepless nights, the ache in your stomach, sweaty palms, the voices in your head bringing you to the brink of wanting to curl up in a corner and hide.  Presentations, public speaking, why does it grip us with fear?

Many people fear public speaking.  Today there are things we fear more; we have less control over:

  1. Walking alone at night
  2. Becoming the victim of identity theft
  3. Safety on the internet
  4. Being the victim of a mass/random shooting
  5. Public Speaking

Of all the things we fear the most, Public Speaking ranks high on many people's lists.  (Chapman University, 2014)

Do You Fear Public Speaking and Presentations?

Be bold if you are afraid of failing, as our niece Courtney would say, "get over it - with our Eighteen (18) Presentation Tips."

Let us start with our Roadblocks to Success?  What we fear:

  1. Inadequacy
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Failure
  4. Rejection
  5. Missing out
  6. Change
  7. Losing control
  8.  Being judged
  9. Something terrible happening
  10. The fear of getting hurt. Vulnerability in business is one of the secrets to connecting with your audience.

Coaching and Our 18 How-to Win Presentation tips will help you and your team succeed with a powerful brand voice and visual identity to build equity with your audience.

In whatever you do, anticipation and vision are both necessary ingredients to fight the fear of uncertainty. 
- Adam Kirk Smith

The Bravest You: Five Steps to Fight Your Biggest Fears, Find Your Passion, and Unlock Your Extraordinary Life


Coaching you to success through a well-thought-out proven process will help you walk into presentations with the confidence that you are great at what you do, whether in-person or a webinar. Knowing that your audience wants the information will help you consistently close more sales.

Your audience does not know what you forgot to present.  So have fun with your presentations, and your audience will respond in kind.  It sounds simple, and it can be.  Content Branding Solutions has a system to help you create and present rewarding information that will leave your audience wanting more and clients begging to work with your team.


Fear of the Unknown Melts in the face of Knowledge
Presentation Coaching, Practice, and Confidence


Webinars have their place in our busy world.  Increasingly we are working remotely; travel is less and less attractive.   Webinars can happen on the spur of the moment once you have a foundation, a template, a guideline to walk you through the process that seems to be insurmountable at times.  The best part of webinars, you can present them repeatedly once you have a well-thought-out system.

Content Branding Solutions for Entrepreneurs - Strategic Content Marketing a New Book, eBook, Kindle by Cheri Lucking and Peter Lucking – Coaching you to success - Available on amazon
Content Branding Solutions for Entrepreneurs Strategic Content Marketing a New Book eBook Kindle by Cheri Lucking and Peter Lucking Coaching you to success Available on amazon


We share Eighteen 18 Tips to create a Powerful Presentation that will help
You Score a Home-run


"Knock it out of the ballpark and score the home run with a great presentation." - Cheri Lucking

Public speaking, webinars, podcasts, and PowerPoint presentations, coaching helps you speak eloquently and persuasively in all formats to deliver, reach, and connect with your audience.

Check these Tips out if You have the outline of an excellent presentation, but it's just missing:

  • The opening
  • That punch, or the correct order?
  • When do I ask for the sale?
  • How do I lay out the process of what I want my audience to do?
  • What should my presentation structure be?
  • How do you step up your presentations?
  • The call to action and persuasive beneficial close.  After all, why am I standing here if it's not to win that sale or contact?
  • Remember that an excellent presentation starts with preparation. Start with the result in mind.

When presenting a webinar or in front of a live audience, you must be enthusiastic and engaging.  If you stick to your knowledge, thought leadership experience, and expertise, you will have more confidence because you know your topic inside and out.

Set Your Goals, Strategy, and Tactics For Your Presentation or Sales Pitch
To Answer the Needs of Your Income Generating Target Audience


Target Your Market for Sales Presentation Success

  • Know your audience as well as possible, put yourself in their shoes.
  • Create a presentation that will solve needs and problems in the target market.
  • Create an attention-grabbing title/headline that will grab your target market's attention.
  • Content is an asset, do not data dump.
  • Outline your content just like the chapters in a book. Create a story that takes your target market audience on a journey.

Rehearse Your Presentation


STOP the "um's, aah's, like, you know, and you know what I mean!"
Rehearse Your Winning Presentation


These filler words, verbal crutches, will quickly lose your audience and cadence; it is easy to insert useless words when nervous.  Delete these filler words from your next presentation and immediately boost your confidence and gain respect from the audience.

Expert Tip: Don't read every bullet point line for line, word for word, until your audience wishes they could run out of the room.

They are not there to Listen to you Read;
They are there to Engage with You, your Words, Content, and Actions!


Take deep breaths before a presentation.  Relax your mind and remember; your audience doesn't know what you forgot to include.  If you find yourself in the middle of your presentation inserting these filler words, pause, take a sip of water, briefly look at your notes, regroup and continue.  Don't say I'm sorry.

Third-party validation is a powerful tool.  Please don't say, believe me, trust me, instant red flags.  Instead, use real-life success stories to validate your point.

Do Your Homework - Be the Knowledge Expert in the Room

Know your topic, body of the presentation, expected outcome, and close.  It is a journey of discovery filled with knowledge and the unexpected.  Use the 18 how-to win presentation tips to inspire, share, to show the value,  knowledge, and experience to make people feel profound emotion and joy. Most of all, to have fun with the passion of sharing your beneficial knowledge to create emotions.  You want them to want you on their team.

Expert Tip: To get results, don't talk to the slide.  The slide is s not interested in what you have to say!  But the audience might be.

There is a specific order of taking a prospect or audience through a presentation so choose your words carefully to convey exclusivity by focusing on:

  • Benefits, not Specifications.
  • Value, not Price.
  • Show not Learn.
  • Emotions, not Reasons - Your visual identity, graphics, etc., should resound with your target audience's emotions.
  • You, not I, for example, The latest survey by XXX shows, You should be doing this to get proven results. Do Not say I recommend.

To get your prospect's attention, remember to state your intended outcome, benefits, value, or call to action at the beginning of your presentation.  By sharing this information, you will take the pressure off of both you and the audience.  It says that you are there for a purpose and you have done your homework. You are there with a solution and a benefit to a problem that your prospects have.

Discover what your Audience or Prospect Wants and Present it to them clearly, concisely with conviction.  You are the expert.

Remember, you represent your brand, so being the thought leader, the go-to expert in the room is all about the event, presentation coaching, brand voice, and visual identity that you portray to create equity and rapport.

Get a Coaching Team who can Build Your Confidence.

What is left to be nervous about if you remove the unknowns from the presentation by having the best outline, professional images, materials, and flow that takes the audience on a journey that interests them?

Expert Tip:  Get a Coaching Team for your Attraction Marketing.  Utilize the benefit of professional  Content Marketing Coaching ▪ Online Branding Coaching ▪ Brand Marketing Coaching ▪ Content Marketing Coaching ▪ Personal Branding Coaching ▪ Content Branding Classes ▪ Online Branding Coaching ▪ Brand Marketing Coaching


CALL the Branding Knowledge, Experts and Book a Session

Presentation Design

We have all seen the terrible tartan background cliché PowerPoint slide. If you haven't, here it is.  Need sunglasses?

I have seen worse!  NOT REALLY!  Awful!

Who would you choose to partner with?  The cliché or a professional firm?

An Image Speaks a Thousand Words,
Color Symbolism In Brand IMAGINEERING, Design And Marketing says it all.


Eighteen (18) Tips to Create Better Presentation

Eighteen (18) Tips to create Better Presentation from an expert coach that will help You Win the Next Project and make that sale

Eighteen Tips to create Better Presentation

  1. The best slides may have little or no text at all. A presentation is not a word-find puzzle of blah, blah-blah, slides crammed with text.
  2. Utilize Excellent Content writing and copy
  3. Choose clear edited text and uncomplicated backgrounds. It's all about communicating your Branded  Content.
  4. Have fun, communicate and motivate. It's not a race to get to the end. It is a journey you are sharing, so encourage your audience and interact.
  5. No tartan slides filled with clichés.
  6. Use High-quality, eye-catching Graphics: Never use a cliché image. It won't seem that novel to your audience; look for exciting and eye-catching illustrations or photos.
  7. Be Yourself. People Buy People they know, like, and trust.
  8. Delivery - Let it Rock. Match the Rhythm and tenor of the presentation with the Content. Dance through your performance.
  9. Evoke emotions with color: The right hue can help persuade and motivate your audience. They are not wearing shades, so don't hit them with clashing colors. Please read our blog on the psychology of color.
  10. Use clear charts and diagrams: Don't over reference stuff.  Dataviz slides are not 'cool' or 'hip'!
  11. Use Occam's Razor to Keep it Simple: Don't overcomplicate your slides.  Less is more; Occam's Razor Rules.
  12. Text size: If your audience needs binoculars to read the text, take it off.
  13. Reduce the magic hand waving: If you can't explain a complex graph or slide, don't expect your audience to understand your presenting information.
  14. Design: Make sure your slide presentation is professionally branded.
  15. Avoid PowerPoint templates: Have a visual branded theme that matches your brand Imagineering.
  16. Interact with your audience: Don't switch the lights off.  Instead, turn them down so you can interact with your audience.
  17. Create Your Closing Script.

75% of Companies Say Closing More Deals is their Top Sales Priority
Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics


  1. Learn how to handle the Objections. Focus on the benefit of the benefit

Bonus Presentation tips from the Expert Marketing Strategists
Content Branding solutions Creative Agency


Expert Closing Tips:   

  •  Share out your Leave-behinds a branded one-pager shaking hands and placing a hand on the shoulder of your audience.
  •  Get Your Audiences Contacts. Ask everyone to sign up on your sign-up sheet or leave their business cards to win a prize.
  •  Create a Downloadable pdf of the PowerPoint presentation. And make sure you share the link after the presentation with all the sign ups encouraging them to share.


Organize your presentation in chunks.  Your slides should not be your written presentation.  Instead, your slides are there for a reminder and an interesting visual for your presentation.

Expert Tip: Use a Coach to Practice, and Prepare your Presentations

Record yourself and watch back.  Present to yourself in front of the mirror.  Practice in front of friends and your boss.  Scary, but once you breakthrough, you will have the audience participating, hanging on to every word.


Content Branding Solutions Online Coaching - Together We Build Your BRAND one Session at a Time

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Coaching, Mentoring, Training and Teaching Services

Full Circle Content Marketing – We will share the Benefits of Content Marketing and, more importantly, how to utilize this knowledge to achieve the results that will put your team at the top of your field, increasing your market positioning. Together we will work to bring out your team's expertise, experience, exceptionalism, and trust. In addition, we will focus on your firm's benefits for its targeted core income-generating clientele.  People Buy People and firms they know, like, and trust.

Book a One-on-One for You or Your Team


Build Your Brand Today with Content Branding Solutions Call and Let's make a Plan!

Content Branding Solutions provides Content Branding and Attraction Marketing Coaching, Mentoring, Training, and Teaching.

Actionable Hands-on Online Coaching and Mentoring in Content Branding Solutions include Branding Courses and Classes and Attraction Marketing Coaching and training.


Expert Tip: Get Coached by CONTENT BRANDING SOLUTIONS coaching team, mentoring, and training one-on-one classes will Open the Door to Your Future Today.  All you have to do is call us at 303-362-0498 and make an appointment.

Online Content Marketing Coaching, Branding Classes, and Attraction Marketing Training

Online Content Marketing Coaching ▪ Online Branding Classes ▪ Attraction Marketing Training ▪ Content Marketing Coaching ▪ Personal Branding Coaching ▪ Content Branding Classes ▪ Online Branding Coaching ▪ Brand Marketing Mentoring ▪ Content Branding Classes

Be a winner.  Use a professional coach, who shares the best ways for thought leadership coaching, training, mentoring, and teaching for you and your team.

Take a How-to class or Coaching to build Confidence and Discover Your Skills.

  • Content Marketing Coaching, Mentoring and Training Course for Entrepreneurs
  • Online Content Branding Class for Startups Small businesses
  • Brand Attraction Marketing Classes for Small businesses
  • Online Branding Courses & Classes for Professionals Practices
  • Attraction Marketing Classes for Independent Consultants
  • Brand Marketing Mentoring for Thought Leaders
  • Personal Branding, for Entrepreneurs on the rise
  • Content Branding Classes For BD, Marketing, Sales, and Services

Get coached to be the best thought leader and knowledge expert you can be.

Expert Tip: Why should a prospect give you their money?  You must earn their trust, create respect through rapport, and be liked because you answered their fears and helped lead them to the close by sharing the benefits of the purchase.

A powerful presentation earns prospects' trust and creates respect through rapport and because you answered their fears and helped lead them to the close by sharing the benefits of the purchase, and they will like you.  People buy people they know, like, and trust.  Our one-on-one coaching and mentoring teach you to be that person.

Coaching, Mentoring, Training, and Teaching From
The Content Branding Strategist and Marketers in the Trenches


 Secrets to Captivating Presentation Delivery

Win your audience over with your smile, an interesting or funny story.  Engage your audience, ask probing questions to get your audience smiling and shaking their heads in agreement. Connect with your audience, and they will respond in kind.

Proven Secrets for Success

  • Start Strong, hook them early
  • Make eye Contact;  Smile talk directly to people making eye contact. You will get followers and questions
  • Do the unexpected
  • Move away from the podium;  Break the audience presenter bubble by walking out into the crowd
  • Present with Enthusiasm and Passion
  • Keep it short
  • Use a remote and wireless mike
  • Tell a story or a joke; remember you are telling the audience story sharing an experience
  • Keep the lights on; it is not a slumber party
  • Always be polite, professional, and courteous

Ask for the close - The call-to-action - what do you want your audience to do?  They are waiting!

A knowledgeable Team can TEACH, MENTOR, and COACH YOU The BENEFITS


Conclusion To 18 How to Win Presentation Tips

Many people fear Public speaking.  Today there are things we fear more; we have less control over:

  1. Walking alone at night
  2. Becoming the victim of identity theft
  3. Safety on the internet
  4. Being the victim of a mass/random shooting
  5. Public Speaking

Reference: (Chapman University, 2014)

Utilize skilled coaching experts and content strategists to win that next big interview, presentation, or sale.  To your success. Contact us if you would like a chat to see how we can help.



Chapman University.  (2014, October 21).  The survey shows what Americans fear most.  Retrieved from ScienceDaily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141021125937.htm


CALL the Branding Knowledge, Experts and Book a Coaching Session

About The Author Cheri Lucking CEO and Founder of Content Branding Solutions

Online Content Marketing Coaching ▪ Online Branding Classes ▪ Attraction Marketing Training ▪ Content Marketing Coaching ▪ Personal Branding Coaching ▪ Content Branding Classes ▪ Online Branding Coaching ▪ Brand Marketing Mentoring ▪ Content Branding Classes

I love to coach people to success.  After all, what is the point of excellent presentation tools, from images to stunning graphics, if you cannot present them well?

I believe, "Great scripts create great presentations that with coaching have the power to: generate leads, educate prospects, build brand recognition and reputation through thought and market leadership that convinces the audience to know, like, and trust you."



That Works for you  24-7-365 Year after YEAR

After all its What the CONTENT BRANDING SOLUTIONS Team does for a Living


People buy people first, then the product or service.  That is why I believe coaching is a crucial component for you and your team's success.

Hands-on Online Attraction Marketing Coaching and Brand Marketing Mentoring ai Content Branding Solutions

Content Brandings Team of Knowledgeable Experts Provides:

  • Individual Coaching – Work to refresh and bring out your entrepreneurial personal Brand edge.
  • Personal Branding that Drives and Skyrockets your trajectory as the go-to knowledge expert in the industry. Be the keynote presenter, frequently sharing proven strategies and cutting edge tactics for digital marketing, CRM implementations, entrepreneurship, and digital personal branding with people worldwide.
  • Thought Leadership Coaching and Mentoring – Become a Keynote presenter that shares proven strategies and cutting-edge tactics online and in person.
  • Intensive One-on-One Thought Leadership Coaching – Train to be the Market leader, trendsetter, knowledge expert, and authority; learn the language of sharing knowledge to build success.
  • Contract Interview Presentation – Coaching to Win – Intensive team coaching on-site; Presentation and Interview Coaching to Close more sales.  It is an art.
  • Webinar Coaching to Build your Crowd. Learn how to attract your audience and hold their attention with enthusiasm and knowledge.  Leave your crowd wanting more.  Learn how to share knowledge with fun!
  • Monthly Executive / Principal Coaching – Learn and grow your abilities to match your knowledge.
  • We train You and Your Team to build your BRAND utilizing Thought Leadership Attraction Marketing techniques to attract, retain, convert, and delight customers.
  • Learn how to handle the Objections and focus on the benefit of the benefit
  • Team Sales Coaching and Training in Content Branding solutions is accomplished both online and In-person. However, in-person coaching has been steadily losing popularity because of the time and effort required for in-person coaching sessions.  Additionally, the known risks have compounded In-person coaching due to the pandemic. Learn and grow your abilities to match your knowledge.

You may be interested in 19 Tips to boost Email sales Content Branding Solutions by Content Branding Solutions, Denver, Colorado.


CALL the Branding Knowledge, Experts and Book a Session

Peter Lucking Imagineers Brands. A designer, growth hacker, influential content strategist, , brander, marketer, motivator, and media maker—a marketing executive, entrepreneur, published author, and illustrator.