Peter Lucking

Creative Director of Content Branding Solutions

Peter Lucking is an influential content strategist, designer, brander, marketer, motivator, and media maker—a marketing executive, entrepreneur, published author, and illustrator.

Influential Content Strategists can Connect all the Divergent Pieces to Create a Comprehensive Marketing Plan that Benefits Your ROI


Peter is a guest blogger published by multiple marketing publications, a sustainable columnist, and a prolific ghostwriter.  Peter provides actionable advice from an author and illustrator in the content marketing trenches.

Peter is passionate about helping entrepreneurs, small businesses, and consultants find new, innovative, cost-effective ways to leverage technology and marketing to facilitate rapid, sustainable business growth with measurable ROI.

Cheri and Peter started  Content Branding Solutions to help entrepreneurs and small businesses create their brands through evergreen attraction marketing content that transforms their businesses over time.

Double Your Firm's income in just 3 Years with the proven "Full Circle" Marketing Techniques Content Branding Solutions Utilizes, Consults, and Teaches.


Keynote speaker at marketing conferences and digital marketing trainer for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and professional practices.

Before the pandemic, Peter was an in-demand speaker booked over 52 times each year to deliver actionable sessions on personal branding, marketing strategy, and sales.  As Co-author of Content Branding Solutions for Entrepreneurs, Cheri, and Peter continue the keynote speaking with The Accelerated Program for Nine-Figure Content Marketing to share their knowledge and help firms grow successfully in the future.

Peter is a guest blogger for numerous publications and an international advisor to early-stage technology and social media companies via many start-up Institutes.

Peter has branded and created marketing copy, graphics, and images and provided a digital marketing strategy for many successful companies and entrepreneurs utilizing the "Full Circle" marketing techniques developed and championed by Content Branding Solutions.

Content Marketing Strategists  ▪ Content Creators  ▪   B2B- B2C Copywriters ▪ Graphics ▪ Content Consultants


“Content Branding Solutions can help take Your Firm from a Broken-down VW
to a purring Ferrari through a Content Branding Refresh.” 


At Content Branding Solutions, we put your brand strategy and success first.  Our team offers brandingcontent strategy, copywriting, and attraction marketing for entrepreneurs, start-ups, Small Business, and Professional Practices.

"Content Branding Solutions Goal is to Increase Your Sales and ROI."


Content Branding Solutions Provides Promotional Media Marketing B2B- B2C Copywriting for You

“Content Branding Solutions Believes that Attraction Marketing
Branded Content and Graphics with thought Leadership Copy and
Laser, Targeted Placement is Valuable to a Professional Firm’s Positioning in the Marketplace.”


As the Creative Director of Content Branding Solutions, my specialty is orchestrating a team that creates persuasive branded attraction marketing promotional copywriting, content, and graphics to refresh your brand from sustainable evergreen resilient design to improving website presence and market positioning.  I have been in the trenches with many international companies as an award-winning designer, marketer, theatre consultant, Amazon bestselling author, award-winning illustrator, and editor; I bring that knowledge to the table to share as an entrepreneurial B2B and B2C attraction marketer with a proven track record in, website design, online and off-line media, copywriting creative content solutions, digital marketing, and publishing graphics, and publishing.

“Your Brand Is Content Branding Solutions Copyrighting focus.”


Content Branding Solutions has successfully branded, authored, contributed to, ghostwritten, edited, illustrated, and published thought leadership content from sustainable and economic white papers to articles and presentations on resilient design, culminating in “Green at No Cost,” an Amazon bestselling book on sustainable design and economics to books on immigration.  As a team, we know how to write compelling content that works on the internet to get top billing and attract clients.

"Content Branding Solutions is Creative ▪ Deadline-driven ▪ Cool under pressure ▪ Strategy-focused ▪ Like having Fun."


Content Branding Solutions are B2B, and B2C Content Marketing Strategists for Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Small Business, and Professional Practices.

We write persuasive content that converts, based on your brief, and needs analysis.  Together we visualize ideas, create concise copy with eye-catching images to realize your mission, vision, and values.”



B2B Copywriting ▪ Content Copywriter ▪ Attraction Marketing Copywriting ▪ Architectural Copywriting ▪ Content Marketing Copywriting ▪ Online Copywriting ▪ Content Writing Services ▪ Website Copy ▪ Social Media ▪ Press Releases ▪ Marketing Materials for the Design and Construction industry.


“As an Advocate for Sustainable and Resilient Design and a Construction Industry Expert,
Let us create Content Together that gives You the Competitive Evergreen Edge.”


As a Nationally recognized public speaker at Tradeline, on Construction Economics, and multiple Sustainable Conferences, together, we share our knowledge and writer to promote you as the Thought Leader in your industry.

Sustainable ▪ Resilient ▪ books ▪ Blogs ▪ website copy ▪ landing pages ▪ promotional newsletters ▪ brochures ▪ Press releases ▪ Sales presentations ▪ Press Releases ▪ Thought Leadership pieces, white papers


“Build Your brand recognition through Sustainable and resilient attraction marketing copy with a value that connects, built-in SEO, for organic, sustainable growth.”


We provide Creative Direction, with targeted branding, premium content, editorial services for landing pages with inbuilt SEO, keywords, and phrases to ensure on page optimization.  Also, we utilize off page optimization for all images, Professional Articles, to help you be the leader in your area of expertise.

“Logos to your products image and perception are everything.” 

  • Be the Personal Knowledge Expert, Authority Development
  • Create Brand Strategy and Visual Identity Design for Brand recognition
  • Innovate with Category Design. Play big and dominate with a competitive edge
  • Design or redesign and dominate a market Category
  • Develop Storytelling Workshops, webinars, and presentations
  • Build an excellent product, by marketing to the people to be the Authority in the category. Create a great firm.

We are Knowledge Experts in Content Branding Marketing Solutions for Entrepreneurs, Start-upsSmall Business, and Professional Practices.

We are Specialists in Architectural Copywriting and Professional copy for Design Practices:
Architects ▪ Engineers ▪ Interior Design ▪ Lighting Designers ▪ A&E Consultants ▪ Professional Consultant Firms ▪ Sustainable Design ▪ Resilient Building Design ▪ Sustainable Solutions ▪ Professional Businesses ▪ Cultural Performing Arts ▪ Design Firms

Specialty Copywriting for the Construction Industry:
General Contractors ▪ Construction Companies ▪ Construction Managers ▪ CM ▪ CMGC ▪ Home Builders ▪ Real Estate ▪ Small Businesses


We create exceptional positioning in the marketplace by making you the Market leader, the Knowledge Expert, and Authority.

We utilize Content Strategy ▪ Branding ▪ Sustainability Copywriting ▪ Promotional Copywriting ▪ Graphics ▪ Print ▪ Presentations ▪ Short form for Auto Responders ▪ LinkedIn ▪ Social Media ▪ Web Copywriting Services ▪ Web Interactive ▪ Digital ▪ PowerPoint ▪ White Papers and Presentations ▪


We are award-winning Amazon Bestseller indie authors, editors, and publishers.  With multiple ghostwritten and illustrated books, white papers, and thought leadership pieces in diverse categories from sustainability to construction and erotic romance.

“Let Content Branding Solutions Write, Edit, and Illustrate for You.
After all, it is Our Passion.”


We would love to connect on LinkedIn and expand both our networks! Feel free to send me an invite. Please drop me a line to arrange a chat.


"We are All Stronger Together as a Team.
Let Us Team with you.


Drop Me a Line

Let's Chat to see How We can Help Each Other

About The Team of Content Marketing Strategists at Content Branding Solutions

The Content Strategists Team Who Can Help You Skyrocket Sales!

Cheri and Peter Lucking lead the expert team of content creators at Content Branding Solutions.  The team consists of content marketing strategists, from content writers to contributing serial entrepreneurs, rebellious media marketers, and technology experts.  The group has successfully consulted on many start-ups, helped grow multiple Small Business, and  Professional Practices utilizing content, design, digital media, radio, and TV marketing.  The team is bloggers, content writers, published authors, software gurus, artists, and crazy dancers, who love animals and nature.  They all love what they do and work SMART at what they love.

Image of a book and Kindle CONTENT BRANDING SOLUTIONS for ENTREPRENEURS - Strategic Content Marketing by Peter Lucking and Cheri Lucking Content Strategists for Content Branding Solutions, Denver, Colorado
Content Marketing Strategists Cheri Lucking and Peter Lucking can help skyrocket your sales with TIMELESS messages through CONTENT GRAPHICS and COACHING for all your media needs



Content Strategists: Creative Services,  Art Direction, Brand Identity, Production Design, Content creation.

  • Brand Strategy: Brand Audit, Brand Think Tanks to create Short-term strategies and Long-term strategy.
  • Social Media: Community management, Content Calendaring, Editorial Storytelling, Blogs, and Articles, White papers, and Thought Leadership pieces.
  • Influencer Engagement: Social media activation.
  • Public relations for B2B and B2C: Thought leadership, Webinars, Strategic Media relations, Tradeshow, presentations support, and coaching.

FREE Review

Website - Branding Design Review

Join Content Branding Solutions Digital Master Class

A Master Class for Entrepreneurs Small Businesses and Professional Practices

The Accelerated Program for Nine-Figure Content Marketing

Cheri and Peter are the co-hosts of The Accelerated Program for Nine-Figure Content Marketing.  This hands-on online digital Master Class focus is Content Branding for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and professional practices.

The digital Master Class is based on the award-winning book Content Branding Solutions For Entrepreneurs.  The Strategic Content marketing modules lay the foundation for success with branding and teach you the A-Z proven strategies and cutting-edge tactics that will help your firm succeed.

Content Branding Solutions for Entrepreneurs - Strategic Content Marketing a New Book, eBook, Kindle by Cheri Lucking and Peter Lucking - Available on amazon

CONTENT BRANDING SOLUTIONS for ENTREPRENEURS - Strategic Content Marketing is The A-To-Z Guide to Content Marketing by Cheri Lucking and Peter Lucking.

Find Out More

The Accelerated Program for Nine-Figure Content Marketing


Our Award-winning book Content Branding Solutions for Entrepreneurs and our online Master Class, The Accelerated Program for Nine-Figure Content Marketing, will dramatically improve your branding; we share our knowledge with you on how to attract, convert, and connect with customers through all your media channels to grow your businesses.

The Best Content Branding and Marketing Strategist have an in-depth knowledge of
Editorial, Content Writing and, Graphics combined with SEO and Social Media Marketing Skills.
They are Aware of Trends and New Directions in the Marketplace.


Please visit our amazon authors page to find out more about all our Kindle, books, and Audible books:

Cheri Lucking    Peter John Lucking, USA- 


Peter Lucking Professional Background

Peter Lucking Professional Experience

  • Business and Marketing Development, Construction Economist.  Vermeulens, Inc.
  • Author, Illustrator, web designer, social media, and marketing.  Real Magic Design, LLC.
  • Principal in Charge, and Lead Designer, Semple Brown Design, P.C. Architects
  • Lead designer / PM Theater Projects Consultants (TPC) USA

Peter Lucking Major Accomplishments

  • The lead designer of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.
  • Award-winning Amazon Bestselling Author and Illustrator of 4 books.
  • Award-winning ghostwriter, editor, Illustrator “Green at No Cost: Economic and Cost Control Strategies that Create No Cost Sustainability,” Marketed to be an Amazon Best Seller in 3 countries.
  • Art Design, branding, copywriting, illustrated all Vermeulens sales and marketing materials including Website Design, and development, SEO, SEO blogs, and weekly articles, etc., and development of all thought leadership areas.
  • Increased Vermeulens B2B bottom line from 4.9m to over 10m; in 3 years utilizing advanced laser targeted B2B attraction marketing methods. Webinars etc.
  • Managed and created Vermeulens strategic social marketing campaigns, including researching, implementing editorial calendars, and building and posting content for Twitter, LinkedIn. Social media attraction marketing: Increased Weekly hits from 16 a week to 4,000 a week with a conversion rate of 30%.
  • Content writer for Beyond Estimation Quarterly white paper, all press releases, blogs, and social media content.
  • Created Multiple PowerPoint presentations for online events from quarterly webinars to national and local conferences.
  • Nationally recognized public speaker at Tradeline, on Construction Economics, and multiple Sustainable Conferences.
  • Master-planned, programmed and designed more than fifty public assembly projects in North America.

Peter Lucking - Awards

  • 2011 INDIE Excellence Holiday book winner and 2011 INDIE Excellence Book Cover Design-Children-Finalists.
  • Children’s International Literary classic book award.
  • Denver Business Journal 2006 Power Book Winner in the category of Architecture.
  • Ellie Caulkins Opera House.
  • AIA Denver, Merit Award, 2007.
  • AISD IDA Awards; Institutional Government Facility Award 2007.
  • Colorado Construction, Gold Hat Award, 2005.
  • Denver School of the Arts.
  • ACE Award Winner, Project of the year ($10m - 20m), 2004
  • Kenneth King, Academic, and Performing Arts Center.
  • USIT, Merit Award for Performing Arts, 2001.

Peter Lucking - Community Involvement

  • Peter is an advocate for sustainable design, “Climate change threatens our economy. Two-thirds of our energy consumption is a direct result of the built environment that we in the Construction industry are responsible for.”

Peter Lucking - Education

  • Oxford, Brookes University: A. Honors, in Architecture,
  • Oxford, Brookes University: Master's Degree in Architecture ARI / RIBA part II
