Content Branding Solutions provides images, copywriting and coaching for Thought Leadership for the Design and Construction Industry

Brand Activation Utilizing Thought Leadership

Attraction Marketing Services ▪ Brand and Branding Services ▪ Editorial and Editing Services ▪ Thought Leadership Services ▪ Website Development and Design ▪ Coaching, Mentoring, Training, and Teaching ▪ Digital Content Marketing Plans

Innovate and activate your brand with thought leadership that is the centerpiece of your attraction marketing campaign to skyrocket sales and improve positioning in the marketplace.

To improve positioning in the marketplace, all entrepreneurs, small businesses, and professional practices should bring on the knowledge storm.  The knowledge of thought leadership should blaze a path through the dark clouds of misinformation, lighting the way, activating the brand organically and sustainably.

Thought Leadership Branding is Evergreen and Sustainable

Sustainable, resilient, evergreen Thought Leadership Branding is all about being associated with and answering the questions and concerns most on the minds your potential clients and owners are asking.  Sometimes they will not even know what that question or concern is until you provide a solution to their problem.

To Activate Your Brand
Plant Your Flag with Groundbreaking
Thought Leadership 
Articles that will give you a ROI Year after Year


Position your Firm as The Industry Knowledge Experts

To Activate Your Brand, Thought Leadership should begin on your landing page with great industry-leading copywriting that highlights your knowledge and is interlaced throughout your website to produce attraction marketing copy that is persuasive, building trust page by page.

Your core services, professional skills, knowledge, the experience should weave throughout the site's text to position you as the knowledge expert and authority, the thought leader in your industry.

Expert Tip:  Everything has changed with the pandemic.  All firms need to rethink and evaluate the new world and apply the new way of doing business to create success.

Why?   Because when the wall’s come tumbling down, as they have with the pandemic, you need to be ready to surge back to success as a market leader.

You need to be the Market Leader, the Knowledge Expert, and Authority
To Skyrocket your BD, Marketing, Sales, and Services


“In the last recession, the construction industry lost 30% of its workforce, 2.3 Million people.  However, by the beginning of Q1 of 2018, the US construction sector had climbed back to be at full employment.”

Source: Beyond Estimation Presentation by Vermeulens

In the last recession, firms, their consultants, and suppliers with specialty services and niche markets fared better than generalists.

This analogy applies to all firms across the board.  Become the go-to specialist.

Expert Tip:  The time to lay the foundation for success is now.  Your brand positioning needs reinforcing to survive the recession and rocket sales on the rebound.

Utilize Thought Leadership to Activate Your Brand 

“Planting Your Flag” and activating your brand with specialty services and unique widgets by utilizing thought leadership white papers and articles separates you from the pack.

Thought leadership lays the foundation for innovative change, and by advocating an industry-altering concept or method, we can initiate change on a large scale.

Thought Leadership Innovates to Expand through Brand Activation

Entrepreneurs use thought leadership to innovate and expand a firm’s core business area. How can you do this? By applying expertise in a new market segment that builds on a core service or improves an existing one, combined with attraction marketing, with a compelling call-to-action that can change the world.

Successful innovations often start with a simple problem that needs solving.  Art Fry, a 3M scientist, sat listening to the church service.  The pieces of paper he had marked in his hymn book kept falling out; he pondered how this simple problem could be solved.  The world-changing product was Post-it Notes.  Not just an excellent product, but what a story.

“Thought Leadership is simply about becoming an authority on relevant topics by delivering the answers to the biggest questions on the minds of your target audience.”  – Michael Brenner

Thought Leaders Communicate with Truth and Integrity

Truth and Integrity go hand in hand with innovation, market leadership, and a firm’s expansion.  Firms that are associated and react well with change lead the market and are positioned for success.  The key is to communicate the product and deliver the promise.

Sustainability in the design and construction industry stalled during the last recession.  Why?  The combination of mistrust of a sector that promoted sustainability at what was perceived to be extremely cost-prohibitive was detrimental to human needs.  All for a building plaque!

There were basic human driver’s greed, the cost of sustainability, and mistrust of an industry that helped delay progress. But, on the other hand, green at no extra cost might be the way forward.

Truth and integrity go hand in hand with a price.  If a product is perceived to be a market leader, Dyson, or Apple, for example, people will be willing to pay more.  Thought leadership articles, for example, can explain why one product may be superior to another.

Utilize Thought Leadership Articles to Rocket Your Marketing and Drive Sales

Activating your Brand


Today many firms are jumping on the “Resilient Design” bandwagon. However, the truth is, we as humans need to pay the price to have a better sustainable world.

All firms should look to be sustainable and apply resilient philosophies for long-term success.

Content Branding Solutions Thought Leadership in the Design and Construction Industry
Content Branding Solutions provides graphics copywriting and coaching for Thought Leadership

Source: © Content Branding Solutions |


You should check out our Brand and Branding Refresh Services to see how we could get a competitive edge, improve your firm's Positioning and Image in your marketplace and activate your brand with thought leadership.

Organized Thought Leaders plan for success utilizing sustainable and resilient processes like “KAIZEN – KANBAN. “

“Vision without action is a daydream.  Action without vision is a nightmare.”    - Japanese proverb.

Thought Leaders Share Knowledge

Thought leaders collaborate in real-time utilizing innovative strategy combined with wisdom, knowledge, experience, and skilled in establishing beneficial:

  • Thought Leaders use Content Branding Marketing from Start-Up, from the incubator to acquisition development using content branding and marketing.
  • Thought Leaders are a firm's Rock Stars - Corporate culture, growth, and operations promote the “Rock Stars” through thought leadership articles and presentations to activate Your Brand.
  • Thought leadership utilizes SMART thinking that creates value and beneficial customer satisfaction.
  • Thought leadership uses KAIZEN – KANBAN: Lean management and manufacturing create affordable value for the customer and profits for the firm.
  • Thought leaders plan for success, with strategic financial and marketing planning utilizing content marketing to Skyrockets Sales.
  • Thought leadership can create business development relationships connecting alliances that mutually benefit and profit together.
  • Thought leaders are innovative. From Hi-technology design, manufacture, delivery marketing, and sales expertise thought leaders innovate to excel.

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you need to be an expert in thought leadership that positions your company to achieve the next level of growth optimization; to deliver performance and customer delight.

Expert Tip:  Thought leadership empowers connections, energizing ideas that launch your success as they boost your ROI.

Plan for your success.  Firms with a master messaging roadmap and a master plan tend to be more successful than those who play it by ear.

You would not launch a firm without a business plan or build a building without a strong foundation.

Empowering Connections - Energizing Ideas – Launching Your Success
Boost Your ROI with Thought Leadership.


Thought leadership needs planning and coaching to nurture and develop its full potential.  Create a plan that identifies its principal targets, client, and owner concerns, a strategy that targets areas where its core service clients gather to hear from industry experts.  Sound like a conference?  Be the keynote speaker.

History shows us that those thought leadership areas will rotate in and out of fashion, profound knowledge adapts, its name changes, but the core principals are the same.

Even if you simply use an imageboard as your plan, it is better than nothing.
This is Brand Imagineering!


Profound knowledge shines with a plan. So we challenge you to plan to be the next thought leader in your area of expertise, the next innovator.

Thought Leadership Positioning in the Marketplace 

Thought leadership can bolster your sales and positioning in the marketplace, giving you a better ROI over an extended period.  Most of all, being an innovator and leader is fun and rewarding!

Expert Tip:  If you and your firm are interested in leading the pack, experts will want to help you open the world’s window to your inspiration.

Is it time to refresh your brand with a bit of thought leadership or some persuasive copy?  Is it time to re-visualize your firm?  Reinvigorate your product in words and graphics?  Rewrite text and content so you can reach qualified customers for your business?

A new website or a site refresh can help you flourish. So how? By promoting your expertise, experience, and exceptionalism if you utilize a content marketing copywriter.

You need experts on your team to help you be the best you can be. So why wouldn’t you work with an experienced strategic digital content marketing specialist with knowledge and expertise to promote your industry?

Specialists copywriting and articles that make the team shine with award-winning writing skills combined with marketing and coaching expertise can help achieve your goals beyond your wildest imagination.

“Words have the power to be your ‘Rain Maker.’   Thought Leaders are bringing on a “Knowledge Storm” with customer-focused Articles and White Papers.  Thought Leaders lead from the front.”  - Peter Lucking

Activate Your Brand by Building Trust as the Brand with a Competitive Edge

Your brand activation marketing must deliver thought leadership that offers valuable content that connects to your targeted audience and provides benefits.  If you do this, the process will bolster your sales and positioning in the marketplace, giving you a better ROI.


You are great at X Y, and Z.  Digital content marketing companies are great at communication. So let them communicate your message to the world to maximize your firm's potential by Brand Activation with Thought Leadership.


Content Branding Solutions Services Include:

Peter Lucking Imagineers Brands. A designer, growth hacker, influential content strategist, , brander, marketer, motivator, and media maker—a marketing executive, entrepreneur, published author, and illustrator.